Zener's Wolf Pack Wiki

Me and Jane are forming a squad. An application form will be available soon if Jane would just make it already... >.>

EDIT: Jane didn't make one (-.-), so I decided to make a simple application form myself. All you have to do is to fill the blanks in the application.

Application Form[]

(Name Here)'s Application


Nickname (has to fit with the squad name):


Current Members[]

1. Sato (Nickname: Bloody Mad Scientist) (Occupation: Torturing and Experimenting on people)

2. Jane (Nickname: Terror Jane (T.J.)) (Occupation: Killing and being a Stalker)

3. Viktor (Nickname: The Dark Nightmare) (Occupation: Chaos Ghoul)

4. Searge (Nickname: The Fallen One) (Occupation: Dark Magic)

5. Creepy (Nickname: The Shattered Mind) (Occupation: Manipulative Shade)

6. Ben (Nickname: The Carrion Crow) (Occupation: Experimentation of the upmost beauty)

7. Kaine (Nickname: The Bloodthirsty Butcher) (Occupation: Beating and cutting up people with a sledgehammer and a chainsaw, then processing the remains into meat to eat)
